679baff18669c-Postres en vasos TENDENCIA.webp
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- Language : Spanish. - Format : PDF. - Guarantee Time: 7 Days. - Versatile Format: Compatible with mobile devices, tablets and computers. CONTEXT: This digital book is designed for all those entrepreneurs and baking lovers who seek to stand out in the world of desserts. In this ebook you will find +30 exclusive and detailed recipes, selected to capture the attention of your customers and expand your business. Each recipe is an explosion of flavor and creativity. From classic desserts reinvented to unique combinations that will surprise any discerning palate, this ebook offers a diverse and unique range of desserts in glasses to delight customers and loved ones. These recipes are not only delicious, but they are also cost-effective and easy to implement. But it's not just a set of recipes. Plus, we provide proven social media marketing strategies for your business, how to calculate costs and set fair prices, and tips on attractive packaging and presentation that will make your desserts stand out. From how to take attractive photos for your products to the importance of professional labeling, this ebook is a complete guide to success in the world of baking. We know that starting a business can be intimidating, so we offer a step-by-step guide to turning this passion into a thriving business.

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