- Language : Spanish. - Guarantee Time: 7 Days. - Versatile Format: Compatible with mobile devices, tablets and computers. CONTEXT: Have you ever wondered why they don't teach us finances in schools? In "SMART FINANCES," we explore the fascinating world of personal finances and take you on an educational journey that will help you better understand and manage your relationship with money. From an introduction to the history of money to a detailed analysis of the various brands of credit cards as well, some investment tips, YouTube channels that will help you enhance your knowledge about personal finances and psychological advice that they don't teach you anywhere else. This book offers a complete and accessible view of the subject. Discover how to use credit card debt wisely, understand the associated benefits and risks, and learn smart strategies to maximize your potential without falling into financial traps. "SMART FINANCE" is an indispensable resource for anyone who wants to master the art of managing money in the modern era. Whether you're just starting your financial journey or looking to improve your existing skills, this book gives you the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions and achieve your financial goals. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR AND PURCHASE THIS WONDERFUL BOOK WHICH IS DONE WITH A LOT OF LOVE AND WISHING YOU TO IMPROVE YOUR PERSONAL FINANCES. I BELIEVE THAT EDUCATION SHOULD BE ACCESSIBLE FOR EVERYONE THAT'S WHY THIS PROMOTION IS FOR YOU, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER AND YOU WILL FIND IT IN THIS EBOOK.

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